The Open Science Software Foundation (OSSF) is a non-profit foundation dedicated to supporting open source scientific tools and promoting free access to resources for the global scientific community.
Funding 50% of a position for a developer to work on foundational tooling and infrastructure to support the nf-core community.
Funding one year project to develop Nextflow and nf-core pipelines for neuroimaging, a crucial and emerging field in the life sciences.
Funding for 50% of two PhD fellowships at the Quantitative Biology Centre at the University of Tübingen, to work on nf-core central software development projects.
Funding for position to work on ecology Nextflow pipelines.
Continuation of the popular nf-core mentorships program, through which mentors are rewarded for the time put into helping mentees accepted into the program.
Sponsorship of distributed nf-core hackathon sites.
* Seqera will act as the interim funding provider until the legal status of the Foundation is complete.